March 19, 2023

…Appreciates voters for massive support
…Reiterates promise to run an all-inclusive govt
...Extends an olive branch to other contestants
By Chioma Onuegbu, Uyo
THE Akwa Ibom State governor-elect , Pastor Umo Eno of the People’s Democratic Party PDP has dedicated his victory to God for for the Grace He has shown him, and for the strength to carry on in the face of several challenges.
Pastor Eno who stated this in his victory speech made available to newsmen shortly after he was declared winner of the election on Sunday by the electoral umpire, reiterated that he would not disappoint his political father, Governor Udom Emmanuel and Akwa Ibom people.
He added that the leaders and stakeholders of his party the PDP, as well as his campaign team deserved a huge pat on the back for staying true to their convictions and their unyielding dedication to the party’s victory at the polls.
His words: ” Fellow Akwaibomites, I stand here, humbled yet energized by the massive support and overwhelming vote of confidence in my capacity to be your Servant-Leader in the next four years that you showed me yesterday, at the polls. It was peaceful, credible, fair and a ringing expression of the will of our people.
“You came out massively to vote for the continuation of the peace and security of lives and property we have enjoyed in the last almost eight years; the continuation of a Christ-centric leadership, of humility in governance, compassion, competence, character and development across all sectors.
“You did this, so our children and generations yet unborn will enjoy the dividends of democracy and live happily, in brotherhood, love and unity.
“I dedicate this victory to God, for the Grace He has shown me, for the strength to carry on, in the face of several challenges and for the inner peace to keep moving with my eyes clearly set on the ball and not to be distracted. to “THAT SAME GOD’ be all the glory!.
“Let me specifically thank my political Father, the Leader of our party, our dear Governor, His Excellency, Mr. Udom Emmanuel, for seeing in me, what others may not have seen.
” Thank you Your Excellency, for standing by me, for leading the troop for the continuation of good governance, for insisting that what God has started in Akwa Ibom State, must continue and the story be told in more enchanting chapters.
“I pledge to you, Your Excellency and our dear people who have bought into your vision that I will not disappoint in this onerous task God has placed on my shoulders. Like you have shown, I am coming thoroughly prepared to hit the ground running from Day One”
The incoming governor of Akwa Ibom State, also thanked the first Lady, and his Campaigner-in Chief, Martha Udom Emmanuel for the long hours, the soaring speeches at campaigns which ultimately manifested in the massive victory he got during the Saturday poll.
He equally thanked his wife, children, and their spouses, his siblings, grand-children, and extended family for the comfort, unwavering support and prayers they provided him in the face of vile, manufactured lies and propaganda that were concocted against him.
“I know how emotionally traumatized those moments may have been, but the battle is over now, and I bear no grudges. Let me thank the Church, and Fathers in Faith for your prayers and intercessions.
“I am one of you, and I pledge to continue to run a Christ-Centric administration where good will always trump evil, and where morality and good conscience will form the building blocks of our administration.
“To the youths of Akwa Ibom State, thank you for maintaining the peace and taking ownership of the collective destiny and aspirations of our people to live in peace. By your avowed dedication to end violence and embrace peace, we were able to have a very peaceful elections yesterday. Kudos to you all!”, Pastor Stated.
Continuing, he commended hisopponents for putting up a good fight, adding “In any political contest, a winner must emerge . And today, it has pleased God to place me as the winner of this contest.
” I hereby extend an olive branch and my hand of fellowship to all my brothers who contested with me, to join me in building the Akwa Ibom State where the symphonies of peace, development, love, unity and brotherhood would continue to ring louder and bind us all even deeper together.
” As a pastor, I harbor no hate or animosity towards any one. As Abraham Lincoln once said, “with malice towards none, with charity for all”, I promise to run an all-inclusive government, where no one would be punished or victimized on account of holding a different political opinion.
“We are all Akwaibomites first and foremost before our political labels. Political parties are vehicles to attain power, they cannot substitute the bond of unity and brotherhood we have all shared for centuries. It is a known fact that politics may have created a gulf of alienation in some sections of our society.
“I hereby pledge to set up a Reconciliation Committee to bring our brothers and sisters together and look at things that deepen our unity than those that divide us. Akwa Ibom is Rising and it will always be!
“As we all join hands with one voice to kick-start this journey of our next phase growth and development as a State, I therefore, once again implore us all to jettison all forms of bickering, hatred, malice, blackmail, pull-down syndrome and their attendant retrogressive tendencies, so that we can jointly build the AkwaIbom of our dreams.Thank you for this great opportunity to serve”.