Following God has brought me this far-Nelson Iheagwam
The Lead of Nelson Iheagwam Ministries, Nelson Iheagwam has averred
that following God passionately has brought him thus far. Iheagwam who
also doubles as a pastor and gospel artiste said:”I have always known I
was called. I always knew ministry is what God will have me do with my
life. it’s just an inner knowing; the Holy Ghost bearing witness to
what’s true about you from eternity. But a turning point was in December
2020, I woke up to pray and while praying I heard the Lord say “men
saved, men trained, men sent” loudly in my spirit and that’s what
birthed and drives Nelson Iheagwam Ministries and other expressions to
come.I will say what has brought me this far is following God. Listening
to God when He says go.In the midst of fear, uncertainties, confusion
and what not; the voice of God has been a sure compass and anchor. It
has steadied me, led me and helped me”.
The visionary leader also urge youths to stay away from scams and illicit activities.
“As someone who leads young people, I would advise as I usually
would; Youth isn’t a time for foolishness, it isn’t a time to indulge
all your passions, it’s a time to follow hard after God and make
investments into your tomorrow. Any young person involved in scheming
and scamming isn’t really setting the best foundations for their
tomorrow.Youth is a time to set foundations and that’s what I help those
who follow me to do”.
Shedding light on why his ministry’s forthcoming programme, ‘Supernatural Class’ is critical, he said:”
“At Supernatural Class we don’t just see men get things from Jesus.
We see men receive the heart and the burden of the father. If men burn
brighter for Jesus or have more of Jesus seen, we will have a better
society. So at Supernatural Class, we don’t just see men get miracles,
we see men become miracles and I mean lives radically changed for the
better to look more like Jesus, So do we need more events like this? A
loud yes”.