"It's about that time of the year for schools across South Africa. Pick n Pay School Club will be initiating the 2016 educational content distribution from Monday, 18 January, to over 3,000 schools nationally," said Nadine Visser, Pick n Pay School Club Platform Manager at HDI Youth Marketeers, Africa's leading youth specialist agency.

Pick n Pay School Club SLO Lulama Qwenga delivers content to Soweto's Thabang Primary School
The largest brand-funded education programme for primary and high schools has been providing schools with over 250 tons of brand-funded educational content since 2003. The programme, reaching 500 schools in its inception phase, now reaches 3,025 schools and over 2.2 million learners, parents and guardians each year.
Bearing in mind the current state of the matric results, the School Club programme is aimed at making classroom activities more visual, more impactful and more interactive. This supports the National Planning Commission's 2025 goal of improving the Grade 12 pass rate to 90%.
"The Pick n Pay School Club content not only tackles core topics within the government curriculum such as hygiene, health and environmental responsibility, but also teaches learners problem-solving skills to help them deal with challenges later in life. Our learners are our future leaders, so it's vitally important to support our education system," adds Nadine.
The material, comprising workbooks, posters, overview brochures, recognition stickers and certificates, is delivered to schools registered on the platform. To register, schools can contact the team at
pnpschoolclub@hdiyouth.co.za or call 011 706-6016 for more information.
"Schools are hungry for new and innovative approaches to help them deliver the prescribed educational curriculum. The programme was established to supply educational material which is both curriculum aligned and grade specific to schools at absolutely no cost," concludes Nadine.
For more information: Editorial Contact: Gee Motsepe - HDI Youth Marketing -
gee@hdiyouth.co.zaOr Pick n Pay School Club - Nadine Visser -
nadine@hdiyouth.co.za - 011-706-6016
About Pick n Pay School Club Pick n Pay School Club is South Africa's largest brand funded education platform currently in its 13th year. Pick n Pay School Club provides much-needed educational support to 3,025 schools across the country and in so doing creates change in the lives of over 2.26 million learners and 105,875 educators.
About HDI Youth Marketeers With 18 years of experience under the belt, HDI Youth Marketeers passionately helps brands make meaningful, measureable and magical differences in the lives and fortunes of the youth. HDI works really hard to connect brands to the youth for the mutual benefit of both. The company has developed specialist ways of connecting with this market in the schools, malls, communities and digital playgrounds of urban and rural South Africa. Since 2009, HDI has been doing the same thing in East and West Africa.