MEMBER UPDATE: Sunday, December 6, 2015 |
Black Friday Weekend Breaks Sales Records in the Black Business Network!
It's official, Black Friday weekend 2015 was the biggest weekend of sales in the history of TAG TEAM Marketing International. We sold more Black-made products and generated more revenue for Black-owned businesses than ever before.
"This is a true accomplishment for everyone involved in the Buy Black Movement. This movement is gaining massive momentum. We getting noticed, and more and more Black people are getting involved every day. We are recycling Black dollars back into the Black community and really making a difference. This is just the beginning", said Delxino Wilson de Briano, President and Co-Founder of TAG TEAM Marketing.
"This is definitive proof that Black people do buy from Black people, do want quality Black products, and can work together to create economic prosperity for ourselves and our community. You can't argue with success," said Deborah Wilson de Briano, Vice President and co-founder of TAG TEAM Marketing.
Congratulations goes out to all of the Black-owned businesses, TAG TEAM Marketers and Black consumers that contributed to this record-breaking achievement! |
Buy Black Movement Call WEDNESDAY

Listen to this live, exciting conference call about the Buy Black Movement. Hear all the latest, exciting news and announcements about the Buy Black Movement and what you can do to help. Join members from all over the world, who will be dialing in to hear this important call. Wednesday6pm Pacific, 7pm Mountain, 8pm Central, 9pm Eastern. (712) 432-0190, pin 754075# details |
Watch Powerful Event This Saturday
 | | Learn about amazing Black-made product and services that are improving the health of Black people around the world. This event will inform you, inspire you and give you and your family amazing solutions you didn't know were available to some of our community's biggest problems.
This event will be held live in Atlanta, Georgia Saturday evening and broadcast free online. details / register |
Buy Black First For The Holidays
 | | This holiday season, empower your own community by purchasing gifts from Black-owned businesses in the Black Business Network online store.
By buying from Black-owned businesses before you buy from anyone else, you get top-quality merchandise that your family will love, while bringing much-needed revenue to Black families who actually make the products.
We have a great selection of Black-made products, and more are being added each week. Make your plans to BUY BLACK this holiday season. Support the Buy Black Movement.
shop now |
Become a Marketer & Earn During Holiday Rush
Join the TAG TEAM Marketing Opportunity and earn great income for spreading the word about Black-made products & services.
The holiday season is here. While all your family members and friends are buying, you should be selling and earning...
As a TAG TEAM Marketer, you can refer your friends to the Black Business Network online store to shop, and earn commissions from every order they place. Refer others who become Marketers as well, and you can earn from the sales they make. Empower the Black community and generate income for your family at the same time.
For full details and to watch a presentation, visit www.tagteammarketing.com | |  |
Become a Supplier & Earn During Holiday Rush
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Are you a Black Business owner who makes and owns your own products or services?
If so, we can help you market and distribute them, beginning this holiday season.
Become a Black Business Network "Supplier" and send a supply of your products to our Atlanta, Georgia warehouse. Our marketing team will promote your products to Black consumers worldwide. Our staff will take orders and ship your products to the customers. We will handle all the customer service. Each month, we will send you a check for the units we've sold. |
For full details, go to: BlackBusinessNetwork.com/Supplier |
Follow The Buy Black Movement On Social Media
We launched social media pages about the powerful Buy Black Movement. Follow us online:
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