national 30.11.2016 10:25 am
Zuma claims he was poisoned by enemies three times
President Jacob Zuma goes door-to-door in Khayelitsha while on an election campaign stop in Cape Town. Pic: Chantall Presence / ANA
Though he did not reveal any names, it appears Zuma believes his enemies are plotting to get rid of him.
During the ANC NEC meeting that took place over three days in Pretoria, Zuma addressed members on the last day, telling them there was a concerted effort from foreign forces to get rid of him.
According to The Sowetan, several sources who were at the meeting said Zuma spoke out about being poisoned. Though he did not reveal any names, it appears Zuma believes his enemies are plotting to get rid of him.
His wife, Nompumelelo Ntuli, was accused of having poisoned him in 2014. She was subsequently banished from Nkandla and is under investigation from the Hawks. At the time, reports suggested Zuma had fallen ill and flown to Russia, where he was diagnosed as having being poisoned.
At a press conference held yesterday, ANC secretary-general Gwede Mantashe shot down reports that a debate on a motion of no confidence tabled by tourism minister Derek Hanekom had taken place.
Instead, Mantashe said the NEC had taken an executive decision to continue supporting Zuma until the end of his term in 2019.
“The NEC has resolved not to support the call for the president to step down. We resolved that we work towards achieving unity in the movement.”