How YOU Can Help Cure Poverty Around The World - Over 3 Billion People Live on Less than $2.50 a Day!
Les Brown here,
Today is one of my favorite days.
You know, we go an entire year facing life. We face challenges every day in almost every area of our life…
- Relationship issues.
- Problems at work…
- Paying the bills.
- Losing a loved one…
- etc…
Life has a way of taking it out of us, doesn’t it?
Yet, look around.
Just look at yourself today. You’re reading this very Email either on a computer with a connection to the INTERNET or you’re reading this Email on a SMART phone. Think about the age we live in and the access we have.
I’m grateful for all this.
Today, I want to implore you (even if you don’t live in the United States) to take a moment to really consider all the things in your life that you are grateful and thankful for. Really, take a moment to acknowledge them!
For me…
I’m thankful for…
- My amazing family (my children, my grand-children)
They give me the strength to go on…
- My students (YOU)
Every day I wake up and think of you!
- The lessons I’ve learned in my life…
I’ve been through so much - but it all helped shape me into who I am today!
I could seriously go on and on, there is just too much greatness all around us for us to not ENJOY Thanksgiving and take in just how amazing we are and everything around us is…
Lastly, I want to ask you for a favor…
If you’re reading this Email, I can assure you, you’re already ahead of 40% of our World. Yes, 40%.
Over 40% of the World today lives on less than $2.50 a DAY.
One of my students and great friends, Anik Singal did an amazing Talk. He shows us just how we can actually CURE poverty. It was a riveting talk and has truly changed me at the CORE.
Today, on this great day of Thanksgiving, please take a few minutes to watch his TEDx Talk.
You’ll love it (it may even change your life).
VIDEO: How YOU Can Help Cure Poverty Around The World - Over 3 Billion People Live on Less than $2.50 a Day!
Happy thanksgiving everyone & remember, you have something special, you have greatness within you!
Les Brown