Lesego Dujwa (56) says she is scared of her son’s ex-girlfriend. Photo by Themba Makofane ~
GOGO Lesego Dujwa lives in fear of her son’s ex-girlfriend.
The 56-year-old from Kagiso, in Mogale City, told Daily Sun her son, Mongezi (34), started seeing the woman in 2014 – and she knew she was trouble from the beginning.
“After she was kicked out of her parents’ house, she moved to a squatter camp which is near our house,” she said.
Lesego claimed it proved to be a huge mistake as the girlfriend, Nthabeleng Morapedi, soon started bringing men to her house, throwing big parties and insulting her and her son when she was drunk.
“I got fed up because she would even wash her other boyfriends’ clothes at my house. She always fought with us and she once even stabbed my son and me.
“She said she would kill us,” claimed Lesego.
Mongezi told the SunTeam he regretted the day he met his ex-girlfriend.
“She stabbed my mum when I told her I wanted to break up and she should move out.
“Making matters worse, the police laughed at me when I tried to open a case.”
Daily Sun contacted Nthabeleng, who claimed Lesego was making up stories.
“That woman is poison.
“She never liked me. She always wanted to break us up.
“She made up the stories about me bringing men to the house.
“As to the stabbing incident, she attacked me first and I was defending myself,” she claimed.
Gauteng police spokesman Lieutenant Kay Makhubela advised Mongezi to report the matter to his police station’s commander, who would help him.