Friday 1 April 2016



Free all liberation soldiers

2015-05-01 19:16
All PAC aligned structures must revolt and force the ANC to release APLA cadres from jail.
For a nation that prides itself of being a democracy observing human rights and the rule of law, it is conundrum that there are still freedom fighters who fought apartheid and are today in the prisons of this country. The release of former members of the Azanian People’s Liberation Army (APLA) and others is long overdone.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was one-sided truth and reconciliation. It penalised the victims of apartheid who took up arms against a ‘crime against humanity’.
The authors of the TRC ignored the international convention on the suppression and punishment of the apartheid crimes. We see in the television the ANC government releasing Eugene De Kok from jail, but failing to release the former members of APLA and other political freedom fighters.
This means that the ANC, which is so revered and supported continues to sell out the black people to the white settlers.
Who is the ANC and its government officials committed to between the people of Azania and colonisers.
Why is it easy for the ANC leaders, on one hand, to forgive and release suppressors and murderers of the black people, and keep MK, APLA and AZANLA freedom fighters in jail.
Which political regime must come to liberate freedom fighters from the ANC government prisons?”
Many white settlers of the then minority regime, Craig Williams, the Coetzees, the Strydoms and Bassons of this world are free.
This demonstrates that the TRC delivered to this nation the peace of the jackal and the lamb.
The jackal can eat the lamb any time it feels hungry, and shall be forgiven.
It must be noted that one shiny day the people of South Africa shall revolt against this neo-liberalist tendency, neo-capitalism and imperialism of the ANC.
Professor Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe said, “Leaders in front. Forward ever and backward never”.
It is the same determination that drives the PAC and its component structures today.
I therefore appeal to President Zuma and his cabinet to reconsider and release soldiers of the former liberation movement– members of Azania People’s Liberation Army

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