Tuesday 27 October 2015

From Goa With Love: A Message from Vangile Makwakwa

A quick hello from India (again)
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I hope you're well.

I'm in Goa, India and just wanted to say hi.

I'm here for 2 months and am already thinking about moving my base to Goa as I trek across Asia for a year or three.

But maybe I should wait until I get to Sri Lanka in February (I will be there for 3 months) because I hear that place is nothing short of stunning.

I know, right?

I just arrived and I've already decided I'm moving to this continent and started making provisional bookings for my accommodation in Sri Lanka.

But I think I'm in love with the energy in Goa.

It's definitely doing something incredible to my soul. Can't put it into words just yet but I can feel a peace descending over me.

Plus I keep getting invited to some interesting places and have decided to just say yes to it all.

And to think I almost cancelled this trip

Yes, you read correctly.

Last Wednesday, 2 days before my flight to Goa, I was crying to my coach, explaining that I want to cancel this trip and cut my losses.

I'd been sick, had endured weeks of anxiety, my tummy had gone to war on itself, I'd gained weight (I seriously didnt believe I was capable of weight gain until recently since I've been the same weight for forever).

And worse, I felt like my finances were taking a hit (they have but I'm so chilled out about it, I'm now wondering if I'm too calm).

I'd never been to Goa and had no clue what to expect from this whole trip. I wanted out. 

I wanted to stay in my comfort zone and never leave.

Leaving meant losing all I'd worked hard for - I've already spent most of my 20s living in foreign countries and accumulating debt so my fear was/is that I was/am gonna do the same thing in my 30s.

What will your life look like in 6 months from now?

As I was justifying my reason to stay in my comfort zone my coach asked the same question I ask all my coaching clients: if you make the decision to go, what will your life look like in 6 months from now?

Will your life contract or expand?

As soon as she asked me that question - I burst out laughing.

To me the answer was and still is obvious - no matter what happens, my life will expand.

Even if the energy in Goa was totally off and I wasn't getting all these awesome invites to random things, my life will still expand.


Because I left my comfort zone and faced my fears and that can only teach me something new about me.

I know this from the experience in my 20s which didnt ruin my life - but totally destroyed me and remade me into something more beautiful.

All that travel and accumulating debt led to a new career and a journey that Im still trying to wrap my head around.

On days like today, I get to wake up in awe of this journey and ask - how did I get here?

Surrender to your journey

This whole experience has taught me a lot about abundance and money.

There's a difference between a "growth and expansion mindset" and "a savings and maintain what you have mindset".

Sometimes we can't create wealth because we're too scared of losing what we have so we focus on staying in our comfort zone and maintaining the status quo, rather than leaving, going on an adventure so we can grow and invest what we have.

All investments and entrepreneurial ventures are a risk - they all require us to give up something to make them successful.

And that's what we're all really afraid of - we're scared to lose.

But sometimes to get the things we want, we have to be willing to let go of the things we have.

So what are you too afraid to let go of and how is it holding you back?

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